
Cover crops are used by many farmers across Ontario. From the traditional red clover underseeding in winter wheat to late summer oats for feed and cover crops for soil building and erosion control, there is a cover crop approach to fit every production system. Interest and experimentation in cover crops is increasing. Crop Advances reports on projects funded by the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association while Field Crop News features new research and on farm project findings. There is ongoing research aimed at answering the pressing cover crop questions.

Cover Crop Recipes


Recipe – After Processing Vegetables: Use an Oat-Radish Mix

The following recipe provides an introductory approach to integrating a cover crop into a corn silage–soybean rotation.

Recipe – Post Corn Silage, Going to Soybean: Introduce a Fall Rye Cover Crop

Planting a cereal rye cover crop ahead of corn is a way to introduce cover crops into your rotation.

Recipe – Wheat Going to Corn: Underseed Red Clover

Planting oat and radish cover crops after wheat and ahead of a soybean or corn cash crop is an easy way to introduce cover crops into your rotation because these cover crops both winterkill and add important diversity to agricultural fields.

Recipe – After Wheat, Going to Corn or Soybean: Use an Oat-Radish Mix

The following recipe provides an introductory approach to integrating a cover crop after corn silage harvest and planting corn for grain or silage as the next crop.

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