About Us
Learn more about the Midwest Cover Crop Council
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Program Manager
Leadership Structure
Board Meeting Minutes
MCCC Board of Directors and Executive Committee
* = Executive Committee
Eileen Kladivko*
Purdue University
Shalamar Armstrong
Purdue University
Nathan Johanning
University of Illinois Extension
Mark Licht*
Iowa State University
Alison Robertson
Iowa State University
Peter Tomlinson
Kansas State University
Yvonne Lawley*
University of Manitoba
Monica Jean
Michigan State University Extension
Anna Cates*
University of Minnesota
Charles Ellis*
University of Missouri Extension
Andrea Basche
University of Nebraska
Marisol Berti
North Dakota State University
North Dakota
Sarah Noggle
Ohio State University Extension
Osler Ortez*
Ohio State University (NCCC-211 Representative)
Jake Munroe
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
David Karki
South Dakota State University Extension
South Dakota
Dan Smith
University of Wisconsin Extension
Scott Wohltman
DLF Pickseed
Candy Thomas
Laurent (Woody) Van Arkel
Ontario Farmer and Member of the Innovative Farmers Association of Ontario
Farmer/Farmer Association
Barry Fisher
Farmer/Retired NRCS
Lara Bryant
Alexandre T. Rosa
Bayer Crop Science
Linus Rothermich
MCCC Program Manager
The program manager is the first point of contact for the Council and works to improve MCCC outreach tools and develop new ones, provide timely information on our website, and generally improve our capacity to be the go-to source of information about cover crops in the Midwest.
Anna Morrow
Leadership Structure
The strength of MCCC comes from the diversity of the people involved. All members are encouraged to participate at the annual meeting and by sharing their input and opinions through their state/province representative.
MCCC Board of Directors
The board will have up to 18 members, however the number of members may be changed with a majority vote based upon the needs of the organization. The board will be responsible for the longer term governance and goals of the organization. For example any changes to the MCCC mission, structure, strategy etc. must be passed by a majority vote by the board.
The board is composed of:
- One representative from each state/province (13)
- Each state/province representative is from a university, extension, or ARS. MCCC members are encouraged to participate in the selection of their state/province representative.
- 2 year term, multiple consecutive terms are allowed
- Up to five (5) “at large” representatives elected annually at the MCCC annual meeting
- Individuals from the following sectors are encouraged to consider serving as an “at large” representative of the MCCC Board
- Farmers
- Partners/NGOs (GLBW, NWF, PFI, etc.)
- Agri-business (seed suppliers, equipment suppliers, etc.)
- Agencies (NRCS, CD, Departments of Agriculture, etc.)
- Other organizations as needed
- Interested individuals are asked to submit their names for consideration two weeks prior to the MCCC Annual meeting
- The current board of (18) directors will allocate the five positions from the individuals that have applied using a secret ballot if needed, prior to the start of the Annual MCCC meeting.
- Multiple consecutive terms are allowed
- Individuals from the following sectors are encouraged to consider serving as an “at large” representative of the MCCC Board
- The incoming board of directors will start their term at the end of the MCCC annual meeting.
MCCC Executive Committee
The MCCC Executive Committee is responsible for:
- Day to day management of MCCC within the established mission of MCCC
- Providing guidance to the MCCC Program Manager
- Ensuring interaction and cooperation with the NCCC-211 group
The MCCC executive committee is selected from the Board of Directors. Currently MCCC is undergoing a transition as the coordination and resources shift from Michigan State University to a formalized program with a program manager position at Purdue University.
The Executive Committee is composed of:
- Two positions facilitating the transition to Purdue
- Purdue University Representative
- Michigan State University Representative
- No fixed term, term to be re-evaluated upon completion of the transition
- One annual appointment
- Chairperson of North Central Coordinating Committee (NCCC) NCCC211: Cover crops to improve environmental quality in crop and biofuel production systems in the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi basins
- 1 year term
- Two elected state/province representatives (from the Board of Directors)
- 1 year term, multiple consecutive terms allowed
Directors interested in becoming part of the Executive Committee should indicate their interest two (2) weeks in advance of the MCCC annual meeting. Directors are encouraged to have at least one year of experience on the Board prior to joining the executive committee. At the end of the MCCC annual meeting (or if that determination is prevented by circumstances, within 10 business days of the MCCC annual meeting), the new MCCC Board of Directors will select the two elected Executive positions.
Job Description – Director
Directors are either the state/province representative or may be from a partner organization, agribusiness or agency. The MCCC board requires directors with dedication and the commitment to actively participate in the leadership of the MCCC.
The position involves:
- a minimum of three director conference calls per year, more if needed by the Executive Committee
- assisting the Executive in developing the direction of the MCCC and identifying its initiatives
- participating in subcommittees working on cover crop resources and other MCCC initiatives
- attending the MCCC Annual Meeting
- providing timely responses to MCCC and subcommittee business, communications and assignments
- representing the MCCC at state and local meetings and act as a MCCC contact with other organizations on occasion.
Specific state/province representative duties include, but are not limited to:
- serving as coordinator/contact within the state/province for MCCC activities;
- contributions to and maintenance of the state/province pages on the MCCC website;
- co-ordination of resources for MCCC product development (field guide, decision tool, etc.)
- producing and presenting a state/province report at the MCCC Annual Meeting;
- advancing cover crop use locally and regionally,
- providing technical assistance to address MCCC issues/inquiries;
- assisting the Executive in conducting MCCC business as necessary.
Job Description – Executive Committee Member
The Executive Committee of MCCC is responsible for the day to day operations of the MCCC programs, consequently an executive position requires a significant level of commitment to the leadership, advancement and oversight of MCCC. The executive are drawn from the state/province representatives on the board of directors.
The position involves:
- a minimum of one Executive conference call per month, more as required
- assist in the development of appropriate responses to MCCC issues/inquiries, approval of press releases
- further development of MCCC direction and vision
- presentations and communications to the MCCC directors and larger membership and other groups
- supervision of MCCC financial matters and conducting the general business of the MCCC
- oversight of up to two subcommittees made up of directors or other MCCC members
- attendance at the MCCC Annual Meeting
- ongoing contact and support of the Program Manager
- a commitment to timely responses to MCCC business, communications and assignments
- representing the MCCC occasionally, at meetings of regional or national importance
- acting as a contact with other organizations